A House for Mr. Biswas is a novel by Nobel Prize-winning author V. S. Naipaul, published in 1961. The story follows the life of Mr. Mohun Biswas, an Indo-Trinidadian man...
In "A Room of One's Own," Virginia Woolf eloquently explores the significance of space, both physical and metaphorical, for women's creative expression and intellectual liberation. Through a captivating blend of...
In "Aatish E Chinar," Shaikh Muhammad Abdullah narrates a captivating autobiography, chronicling his remarkable journey through tumultuous times. Born in Kashmir, Abdullah's life story unfolds against the backdrop of political...
Authority and Individual by Bertrand Russell explores the dynamic interplay between societal authority and individual autonomy, delving into the complexities of power dynamics, freedom, and social cohesion. Russell examines how...
"Basic Writings of Immanuel Kant" by Allen W. Wood is a comprehensive collection that presents key philosophical texts by Immanuel Kant, a central figure in modern philosophy. This compilation provides...
Post-colonialism, as theorized by scholars like John McLeod, is a critical framework that examines the enduring impacts of colonialism on societies, cultures, and individuals after formal colonization ends. It delves...
In "Brand New Nation" by Ravinder Kaur, the author provides a concise yet comprehensive examination of the intricate dynamics shaping contemporary nation-building processes. Kaur meticulously explores the multifaceted aspects of...
In "China In Oceania: Reshaping The Pacific" by Terence Wesley, the intricate dynamics of China's presence in the Pacific region are meticulously explored. Wesley delves into China's increasing influence in...
Manipulation And Dark Psychology by Richard Gard delves into the often controversial and misunderstood topics of psychological manipulation and the darker aspects of human behavior. Gard explores various techniques used...
Julia O'Connell Davidson's "Modern Slavery: The Margins of Freedom" provides a comprehensive and thought-provoking analysis of contemporary forms of slavery and the complexities surrounding the concept of freedom. The book...
Delve into the complex interplay of personal experience and societal norms surrounding motherhood with "Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution" by Adrienne Rich. In this groundbreaking work, Rich...
The Living Thoughts of Rousseau is a selection of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's most influential ideas, showcasing his contributions to philosophy, political theory, and education. The book distills Rousseau’s reflections on freedom,...
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir, translated by Constance Borde and Sheila Malovany-Chevallier, is a seminal work in feminist philosophy, first published in 1949. In this influential text, de...
In his Theory of Bioethics, David Degrozia presents a comprehensive framework for ethical decision-making in the realm of biology and healthcare. By integrating principles from various ethical theories, Degrozia offers...